Bowtech® treatments (or Bowen Technique) – Treatments involving non-invasive and very gentle sequences of digital pressure on muscles, tendon ligaments or, predominantly, neurovascular fasciae. The movements are interspersed with short pauses, which are important to give the body time to absorb the signals and decide whether and how much to respond to the stimulus received. It is a simple, effective, never painful technique. It stimulates the body to undertake a process of self-healing and trusts in the body’s ability to resolve existing imbalances on its own.

Dorn and Breuss treatments – Postural treatments, joint massages and bionatural treatments for correcting postural and joint imbalances according to the Dorn method and the Breuss massage
Tibetan Bell Treatments and Sound Massage – Very relaxing sound treatments and massages, according to the Peter Hess method, using original Tibetan bells made by hand, according to ancient Nepalese tradition.
Bach Flower Treatments – Treatments with Bach flowers according to the indications of Dr Edward Bach.
Applied Kinesiology – Treatments to help one’s individual balance through the energy flow of the meridians

I movimenti sono intervallati da brevi pause, la cui importanza è fondamentale per dar tempo al corpo di recepire i segnali e di decidere se e quanto rispondere allo stimolo ricevuto. E’ una tecnica semplice, efficace, mai dolorosa. Essa stimola il corpo ad intraprendere un processo di auto-guarigione e confida nella capacità dell’organismo di risolvere autonomamente gli squilibri esistenti.